Join As A Member
Anyone is welcome to join the Abertillery & District Museum Society.
Click here for a Membership form.
Please print form and post along with cheque made payable to Abertillery & District Museum society Ltd
to the following address:
Abertillery & District Museum, Market Street, Abertillery. Gwent. NP13 1AH. United Kingdom.
Alternatively print, then scan or photo completed form and email to
and make payment by BACS transfer using the following details:
SORT CODE: 20 56 56
ACCOUNT NO: 90044431​​
Use your name as reference
Annual Subscription for members is £8.00 which includes a free hot drink in our cafe every month.
Junior Membership is £4 a year, with the benefit of one free treasure hunt a month.
Members are welcome to help in the Museum on a voluntary basis. Training can be arranged for interested members.
Vice Presidents
Ross Leadbetter / Carol Brooks
John Cavaciuti / Rev R Watson
Margaret Cook / Michele Dack
Margaret Herbert
Annual Subscription for Vice Presidents is £25.00 (this price includes standard Membership benefits).
Click here for a Vice President Application form.
As you may well be aware, it will soon be unlawful for the museum to contact you without your express consent. We should be grateful, therefore, if all members would complete the form below and return to the museum.
Click here for a privacy form.
Donations are always welcome at the Museum and If you are a taxpayer please fill in the gift aid form below to enable the Museum to claim back 25 pence in the pound at no cost to yourself .
Click here for a gift aid form.